Foto de Aidé Maya México

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"In this age where the excess of everything invades us brutally, art is a specific commitment and not a general seduction, that is its importance. Continue painting despite facing the poisons of success or failure, as the fundamental need to express that There is more life than our daily needs and concerns". Aide Maya.

Exposiciones realizadas

  • 2016, "Arte + Arte" Galería Los Arcos, San Miguel de Allende.
  • 2014, “Arte Contemporáneo” Collective exhibition of Photography and Collage at Galería Saúl Serrano, México D.F.
  • 2013, “Música” Collective exhibition of Photography and Fine arts at Galería Saúl Serrano, México D.F.
  • 2013, “La burla” Collective exhibition of fine arts at Casa de Cultura de Tamaulipas, México D.F.
  • 2013, “Antirretrato” Collective exhibition of Photography and Collage at Galería Saúl Serrano, México D.F.
  • 2012, “Pixel” Collective exhibition of Photography and Photo-Paint at Galería Saúl Serrano, México D.F
  • 2011, “Tíbet y sus colores” Fine Art collective exhibition, Casa Tíbet y Museo Soumaya. Plaza Loreto. México D.F.
  • 2011, ”Blanco sobre Blanco” Collective exhibition of Contemporary Art at Centro Cultural Joaquín Acacio Pegaza, Valle de bravo, México
  • 2010, “La Libertad” (\"Freedom\") Collective exhibition of Photography and Photo-Paint at Galería Saúl Serrano, México D.F.
  • 2010, “La Felicidad y sus obstáculos” \"Happiness and its obstacles\" Collective exhibition of Photography and Photo-Paint at Galería Saúl Serrano, México D.F.
  • 2010, “Elogio de la locura” (\"Praise of Folly\") Collective exhibition of Photography and Photo-Paint at Galería Saúl Serrano, México D.F.
  • 2010, “La Felicidad y sus Obstáculos” Collective exhibition of Photography and Photo-Paint at Galería Saúl Serrano, México D.F. México D.F.
  • 2009, “Naturaleza Muerta Contemporánea” \"Still Life Painting” Contemporary Collective exhibition of Photography and Photo-Paint at Galería Saúl Serrano, México D.F.
  • 2008, “Canciones de la Ansiedad” (\"Songs of Anxiety\") Individual Exhibit of art and sculpture. Gallery of Scary Witches, Mexico D.F.
  • 2008, “Expo-Venta” (\"Expo-Sale\") Collective exhibition of paintings, photography and art-object at Experimental Gallery Sofia Garfias, México D.F.
  • 2008, “Mujer Del S. XXI” (\"XXI Century Woman\") Collective exhibition of Photography and Photo-Paint at Galería Saúl Serrano, México D.F.
  • 2006, “Canciones de la Ansiedad” (\"Songs of Anxiety\") Individual Exhibition of Oil Paintings. Cafe La Peña de Bernal, Mexico D.F.
  • 2005, “Songs of the anxious” Individual Exhibition Oil Painting and cloth sculptures at Ashlee and John´s Place, Portland Oregon.
  • 2005, “Performance with Loch Lomond” at The know, Portland Oregon.
  • 2005, “Songs of the anxious” Individual exhibition of oil painting at Rubert Cornelius, Portland Oregon.
  • 2005, \"Songs of the anxious\" Individual Exhibition of Oil Paintings at Gallery 500, Portland Oregon.
  • 2005, Collaboration with \"More Than Once\" Performance - Live Paintings at Paula` s, Portland Oregon.
  • 2005, \"Songs of the Anxious\" Individual Exhibition of Oil Paintings at the Renaissance, Portland Oregon.
  • 2002, “Nuestro Siglo XXI” (\"Our XXI Century\") Exhibition of Photography, Galería del Centro de Arte Fotográfico Saúl Serrano, México D.F.
  • 2002, “Homenaje a La Buena Fama” (\"Homage to the Good Repute\") Exhibition of Photography. Galería del Centro de Arte Fotográfico Saúl Serrano, México D.F.
  • 2002, “Utilería” (\"Props\") Painting Exhibition.. Bizarro Café. México D.F.
  • 2002, “Contapunto” (\"Counterpoint\") Painting Exhibition. Dada X Club, México D.F.
  • 2002, “Noches de Venus” (\"Nights of Venus\") Pictorial Exhibition. Pequeña Casa de Doménica. México D.F.
  • 2002, “Mandalas” Painting Exhibition. Galería los Patios del Arte. México D.F.
  • 2000, “Tu Circo” (Your Circus\") Individual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, El Bizarro Café, México D.F.
  • 1999, “Hay un Deseo no muy Claro Pero Fuerte” (\"There is a not very Clear wish But Strong\") Exhibition of Fine Arts, Centro Morelense de las Artes, Cuernavaca Mor, México.
  • 1998, “Iniciando el Dialogo” (\"Starting the Dialogue\") Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Asamblea de Representantes, México D.F.
  • 1998, “Gestación Múltiple” (\"Multiple Gestation\") Plastic Arts Exhibition, Galería Hospital Regional No.1 Del IMSS, México, D.F.
  • 1997, “Metamorfosis” (\"Metamorphosis”) Paintings, Sculpture and Engraving. Asamblea de Representantes, México D.F.
  • 1996, “Enlace Plástico” (\"Plastic Link \") Exhibition of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving. Centro Nacional de las Artes, México D.F.

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¡Mira todo lo que te ofrecemos!
21.65 x 23.23 in
21.65 x 23.23 in
21.65 x 23.23 in
21.65 x 23.23 in
21.65 x 23.23 in
21.65 x 23.23 in
21.65 x 23.23 in

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Foto de Aidé Maya México

Aidé Maya. Independent Plastic Artist.

She was born in Cuernavaca Morelos in April 1977. She began her artistic studies at the age of five with painting at the local school of Fine Arts in the city center. At the age of fifteen he moved with her family to Mexico City where she studied the Diploma of Interior Design at the Héctor Cerviño Institute. That is where her vocation for painting became accentuated in her life. Seeking to deepen her way of thinking and feeling, she entered the School of Artistic Initiation no. 1 where she studied Fine Arts with painting, sculpture and engraving in 1996. In conclusion, she decided to continue her studies at the Centro Morelense de las Artes, back to her native city Cuernavaca Morelos in 1998.

In 2001 she returned to Mexico City to continue drawing Human Figure at the Academy of San Carlos. Artistic Photography at the Saúl Serrano Art and Photography Center. And ceramics in the experimental ceramics school of Alberto Cosío. From 2003-2005 she lived in Portland Or. Where she exhibited the series "Songs of Anxiety" and collaborated with different musicians of the local scene with installation and painting. In 2006 she lived in Brooklyn and made stage sets for Fred Newman's Castle Theater in Manhattan, N.Y. Along with Joseph Spirito.

On her return to Mexico City, she began teaching at the Saúl Serrano Art and Photography Center, giving Photographic Painting, Human Figure Drawing, Plastic Arts for Children, Assembly and Sculpture from the year 2010 to 2014. She continues with his work and Teaching in Cuernavaca Morelos and Mexico City.

Collage, painting, photography, assembly, drawing are some of the techniques used to achieve an aesthetic experience that reflects the compulsive force of life.

The themes she handles in her current work focuses on portraits and self portraits, the absurd and lack common of sense of the human being and the illusion of fantastic worlds. In her work she tries to ask questions and establish her own rules.

It is as much about ideas and feelings as the appearance of a work of art.

The idea is to open the eyes and see the world in another way, breaking with the traditional to achieve new realities.

Aidé Maya has 18 collective samples and 6 individual samples in Mexico and the United States. Her work is in Peru, Spain, Sweden, the United States and Mexico.

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